Movie Night Pajamas SewAlong: Welcome!
My family is a huge fan of the Movie Night PJs from Sew A Little Seam. Last year when the men’s and pet versions came out, I had to make my family matching Christmas PJs and this year we are doing it again! The best part about these is they are free! (You just need to be a member of the SALS Facebook Group and the coupon code can be found in the announcement post.)
Since the holidays are right around the corner, let’s do a Sew Along and make some Christmas Pajamas together! (or regular pajamas 🙃) I know a lot of people have already made christmas pjs, but you can make some more! I mean, can you really have too many pajamas?
For specific information on each of the different movie night patterns (size charts, fabric requirements, etc.), you can click on the separate links below.

Whether you are like me and are going to sew every pajama version or just the Women’s or just the children’s or men’s, we will be following the same schedule. If you joined me for the Ollie Sew Along a few months ago, we are going to be doing basically the same sort of thing. You will find the schedule below (and on each daily post) and I will link each post below after the post is published so you can easily jump around to the different days. I will also have links to the sew along videos (if applicable) and they can be found at the bottom of each post. They will be posted to YouTube and will stay available on my channel to watch and rewatch as you see fit. Every morning of the sew along (MST or whatever time zone Arizona is), I will post in the SALS Facebook group with a link to the day’s blog post. (All of the information you need to know will be on the blog.) You can post your progress and any questions on each of these FB posts (Commenting and participating on the threads also helps to keep them bumped so other people will see them!).
December 1st through 7th
Welcome! Just about everything you need to know
I’ll be using the hashtag movienightsal for easy finding of the sew along threads in the SALS FB group, in case posts aren’t showing up in your feed and you would like to play along (also for easy findings after the sew along is over).
Kelly has graciously offered some free patterns for our giveaway! For actively participating in the sew along, you can enter for a chance to win!
One lucky winner will receive 3 free SALS patterns
One lucky winner will receive 2 free SALS patterns
One lucky winner will receive 1 free SALS pattern.
To be eligible to win, you just need to actively participate by commenting and interacting on the sew along threads in the Sew A Little Seam Facebook Group. On Day 7, there will be a post specifically for finished makes and this will be your main entry into the giveaway. If you make more than one pair of pajamas, each pair will be counted as a separate entry (new makes during the sew along only!). Just make sure each finished make is in a separate comment and not as a comment reply.
For this sew along, we are going to keep all entries strictly FB but you are more than welcome to share away on all the other platforms. And make sure you use the hashtag movienightsal so we can all find them!
Don’t forget to grab the code in the Sew A Little Seam Facebook Group HERE to get these pajamas for free!
The Movie Night PJs are a close fit, so the best fabrics are ones with 4-way stretch, 50% horizontal and 25% vertical. Waistband, neckband and cuffs should have 75% stretch with excellent recovery. I tend to always use cotton lycra for my cuffs and bands. Fabrics with at least 5% spandex/lycra content are usually the most ideal.
For my son, I have used Doodles from Joann’s, even though they only have a 2-way stretch (just not for the bands/cuffs). They have all turned out fine. Just beware, Doodles have a tendency to continue shrinking, even after multiple washes. (Note: the new doodles only have 3% spandex and do not have enough recovery for neckbands and waistbands)
For them women’s, I do not suggest using 2-way stretch, especially for the bottoms. You really need the vertical stretch for that booty! You might be able get away with 2-way for the top, especially going up a size, but I personally haven’t tried it and most likely never will. Not worth the risk! Besides, 4-way stretch is so much more comfortable.
Last year’s pjs I used club Double Brushed Poly from Raspberry Creek Fabrics. My son still fits in his (I always sew one size up for him…longer wear) and I still wear mine! This year I’m using club french terry from RCF. They have a lot of super cute prints from their Christmas/winter release. I am super excited for these. They are going to be so cozy!
(For specific recommended fabric yardage, you can click on the links for the individual movie nights earlier in the post, or you can find them within each pattern instructions.)
If you don’t currently have fabric on hand for pajamas, go order some ASAP! Or go to your local sewing supply store. But if you are buying online, it can sometimes take awhile for your fabric to get to you and you want your fabric before we get cutting on day 2 and sewing on day 3!
You mainly will need fabric, matching thread and your machines of choice (sewing machine, serger/overlocker, coverstitch). If you are doing a placket, you will need buttons or snaps and interfacing (i like pellon SF101). For the Men’s bottom, you will need 1.5” elastic. Elastic is not required for the women’s or children’s bottoms, but if you choose to do an elastic waistband, you will need 1” for women’s and 3/4” for children’s. I’d suggest getting some non-roll elastic for the waistband elastic. If you would like to add a drawstring to the women’s or men’s bottoms, you will need some small pieces of interfacing, grommets/eyelets (or you can sew a buttonhole) and a drawstring.

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