Constance Sew Along – Day 4: Hacks

It’s Day 4 of the Constance Sew Along! Today I’ll be showing you part 2 of the colorblock hacks as well as the Hooded Placket Hack. In the colorblocking videos, I’ll be cutting out and sewing up each of the specific versions. If you aren’t sewing up a colorblocked version or the placket, you are welcome to use this as a catch up day or as a great excuse to make another one! 😉
Don’t forget to also head on over to the Sew A Little Seam Facebook group and comment on today’s daily sew along post to be eligible in the giveaway at the end! If you are sewing up any of the hacked versions, be sure to show us your progress. (This is my favorite part!) If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask those as well!
Diagonal Colorblock HAck
When I first sewed this up, I accidentally added a black neckband and it did not look that great. My mom actually told me it looked like I had a shawl or a piece of fabric wrapped around me. So I bit the bullet and ripped out the neckband and put on a new one in white and it looks a million times better! So…don’t do what I did and cut out the wrong color neckband.
You can watch part 2 of the Diagonal Colorblock Hack here: Diagonal Colorblock Hack Part 2

Tri Colorblock Hack
If you didn’t notice, I went a little rogue with this one since I added a hood and skipped the curved hem, but I love how it turned out! This Cashmere Waffle also would have been a nightmare to hem as a curve. After sewing up this one, I think I would move the colorblocking down (or up) just a smidge to make it a little easier to sew the side seams. To help reduce some of that bulk under the arms, be sure to nest your seams at the armscye!
You can watch part 2 of the Tri Colorblock Hack here: Tri Colorblock Hack Part 2

Sleeve Colorblock HAck
It’s really hard to pick a favorite of the colorblock hacks! I’m pretty sure I’m going to be making a few more of these, but probably will skip the pocket (not my favorite thing to sew on a shirt). I got some beautiful Hunter Lush Rib Knit for another one, if only I could figure out a print for the colorblocking!
You can watch part 2 of the Sleeve Colorblock Hack here: Sleeve Colorbock Hack Part 2

Hooded Placket Hack
I think this has got to be my favorite hack! It’s not a big placket but it’s perfect! And I am so glad I was able to find some buttons that matched really well.
For this hack, I actually used the placket pattern pieces from the Kid’s Movie Night Pajamas. The women’s version does have a placket, but it’s much thinner. That placket will still work, but since I sewed it up with a hood, I opted for a thicker placket. (Don’t forget to grab the code in the Sew A Little Seam Facebook Group to get the pattern for free!) I like to use Pellon SF101 for my interfacing for the placket.
You can see the placket hack video here: Hooded Placket Hack

Happy sewing!

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