Willow SewAlong – Day 1 – Print Pattern

Hello and welcome! It’s day 1 of the Willow Sew Along and I am so glad you’re here. We’ve got a fun filled week ahead and I hope this finds you well during this strange quarantine life. If you are just tuning in for the first time, START HERE.

Today and tomorrow are pretty straight forward as we are just getting everything prepped and ready before we start sewing on Wednesday. Today, you will want to figure out which option you’re going to make and print/tape your pattern together. There is a “pages to print” chart in the beginning of the instructions, so you don’t have to print every option (which would be approx 50 pages!). In preparation for the sew along, I printed every option and traced the sleeve and sleeveless bodices. Let me tell you, there are a lot of pieces to keep track of! I think I’ll keep the knit and woven pattern pieces totally separate for storing. Less to sort through when I make another one.

I also highly suggest using the layer’s feature in Adobe. You can select to only print the sizes you need, which will make grading (if necessary) and cutting a lot easier and less confusing.

If you have your fabric already, make sure it is prewashed (the same way you will launder the finished garment). Don’t worry about cutting it today, as we will be doing that tomorrow. If you are making an option with buttons, make sure you have interfacing!

  • Don’t forget!

    • If you want to be eligible in today’s daily giveaway for a free SALS pattern, head on over to the Sew A Little Seam FB Group and comment on the DAY 1 post.

    • If you want to be eligible for the GRAND PRIZE at the end of the sew along, you must be an active participant. See the requirements HERE.

  • You can easily find the sew along posts by searching willowsewalong in the group or by selecting the Willow Sew Along topic.


  • None today!

Happy sewing and “see” you tomorrow!


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