How To: Button Headband for FaceMasks
I made a little video on how to make a simple button headband to relieve pressure off your ears from wearing a facemask. You can also add buttons to a well fitting headband. I’m sure there are plenty of other versions or headbands you can use, but this is what I’ve been doing for some healthcare workers in my area and I haven’t had any complaints yet. You are more than welcome to make the headband bigger/smaller or wider/narrower to fit your preference!
Knit fabric with great stretch and recovery such as cotton Lycra and athletic knits. Fabric that doesn’t have great recovery are not ideal. (See here)
2 buttons. I prefer size 3/4”
Sewing machine (with a stretch stitch) or serger
Matching thread
I use a 3/8” seam allowance
Cut out a strip of fabric 3.5”x19.5” (LxW). You can alter this depending on type of fabric, stretch, recovery, etc. being used.
Hem one of the short ends by 3/8”
Sew the two long ends together with right-sides together. Turn right-side out.
Insert the unhemmed side inside of the hemmed end and sew closed.
Alternatively you can skip the initial hemming and sew the two short ends together with a serger instead. It doesn’t look as “clean” but it’s definitely a lot quicker.
Mark 4.5” from the center front on both sides for button placement in the middle of the headband
Sew on your buttons
Tie off/ trim any threads and your done!

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