Christmas Pajamas 2019
First things first, I’ve been slaving away the past few weeks switching my blog over to a new platform. (So much work, I don’t recommend! lol! But more on that later…) There may be broken links as you poke around the new site, but I’m working at getting everything up to date. Thank you for your patience during the transition!
I can’t believe it’s already August and I never shared last year’s matching Christmas pajamas on my blog! Whoops! This is year two of making matching Christmas PJ’s and I may have dug myself into a hole. (See 2018’s pajamas here!) Our family is continually growing, which means making matching pajamas takes more effort…and more fabric! I think this last years pajamas took 5 yards of the main fabric and 1 yard of a coordinate that I used for cuffs and bands, with not a whole lot left over. (Maybe I’ll use two different prints for this year’s…) Though, I did make Max 2 pairs (pants, shorts, long sleeves and short sleeves) and I definitely don’t have to make him more than one…which means I can get away with the same amount of fabric this year!
Luckily Bella, Peanut, Scott and I don’t really vary too much in size, but I do have to account for our 2 crazy munchkins that keep getting bigger and bigger. (How do I have a 1 and 3 year old already?!) In addition to that, it’s getting harder and harder to take pictures! Our animals are already hard enough (mainly the cat) as it is and then you add a toddler and a baby on top of that. Trying to take pictures with everyone is going to be quite interesting in a few months to say the least!
As always, I love the Movie Night Pajamas from Sew A Little Seam and I used it for our matching pjs in both 2018 & 2019 and I’ll use it again for 2020! The best part about this pattern, is it’s free! (Head on over to the SALS FB group for the code in the announcements) And it’s available in men’s, women’s, children’s and pets! There are plans for baby Movie Nights eventually but not yet, so I had to do something else for Brooklyn this last year. I made her the Peekaboo Classic Zip Pjs. They are okay, but not really my favorite. I personally don’t like Peekaboo’s size chart for her baby patterns, especially since my little lady is long and skinny. I need actual measurements so I can grade as needed! I started to make her a second pair that came out all wonky…so I never finished it… and I probably won’t attempt another one again. Brooklyn will probably fit in the children’s version of the MNPJ’s this year anyway!
I used CLUB French Terry from Raspberry Creek Fabrics. They release new CLUB prints and retire old ones throughout the year, which is so fun! Every season there’s something new. They just released their new Fall line this week too!
I also did a sew along for the Movie Night Pajamas last year and you can find all the videos on youtube here!
Look at Brooklyn! My goodness, she really didn’t have much hair. Ha! Photo cred to my amazing friend! Annie Shelley Photography

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