Brooklyn Turns 1!
My baby is one! I can’t even believe it! And my toddler is officially a preschooler. What is going on over here?! But anyway, back to Brooklyn. If you want to read about her delivery, you can see that here!

When Max was a baby, we didn’t have anything or anyone to compare him to, but now with Brooklyn here, she just seems so much more like a baby compared to Max! It doesn’t help that she is pretty petite to begin with. She’s a year old and is FINALLY measuring out of size 3m in most pdf pattern companies. Her length is average though. Max is pretty similar too. It just means they can wear clothes a lot longer before growing out of them!
Brooklyn is a funny little lady and wants what she wants. Brooklyn loves the water. This also means she loves the toilet (and the dog’s water bowl). If someone leaves the lid open, there’s a very good possibility that we will find Brooklyn splashing in the toilet bowl. (You will either hear her splashing or Max giggling and saying that she’s splashing in the water.) If she’s on her way over to an open toilet and you beat her to it and shut the lid, she will let you know how she feels about that! Same thing about going outside. If you shut the door before she can sneak outside, she will not be happy. It’s pretty cute though! With food or her bottle; if she doesn’t want it, she will push it away. It’s pretty comical to say the least. And she, of course, get the food all over her face and hair.
Baby girl has 7 teeth now! She finally cut her 3rd tooth on the bottom and she has the cutest little cheesy smile! She definitely picked that up from her brother, who she loves oh so much. She always wants anything Max is playing with (or eating…). It’s so fun watching them interact with each other. And her little wave! She just melts my heart!
She is pulling herself up on everything! Max didn’t start walking until he was 14mo and Brooklyn is right around the corner from it. She is a quick little crawler though.
She also loves food. If anyone is eating anything, she wants it. But for some reason, she did not want to smash her cake! It was a little depressing actually haha. We even tried it twice! The second time had a lot less crying at least and she did munch on the little rainbows for a bit, but it really wasn’t very eventful. Maybe she’s just too proper and needs her cake sliced for her and placed neatly on her tray…lol. He happily ate some cake in her high chair. I did make her little romper though and I got a few eyerolls about it being white. But guess what?! It’s still pretty dang clean! And she looked so stinking cute in it.
Come to find out, Brooklyn HATES balloons. We didn’t realize this until after we went home and she had a nap. We also had to wake her up early for pictures, which probably didn’t really help either. (She’s a little princess!) She loves to go in my sewing room but that’s where we were keeping her balloons after the attempted cake smash photoshoot. When she sees the door open, she usually hurries on in. This time, she saw the balloons, turned around and went the other way. So a quite note to self, skip the balloons!
I am so blessed to have this cute little lady and I’m overjoyed to be her mama. She brings me and our little family so much joy. I look forward to watching her continue to grow and develop. She’s going to be quite the spunky little thing. She and Max are going to be the best of buds! To the moon and back little one!

Thanks again to my amazing friend Annie for taking these amazing photos!

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