Petite Stitchery & Co – Taffy Dress
Guess what?! The Taffy Dress is officially released! And it’s currently on sale until Monday, June 25th!
I absolutely love the drop waist of this dress. It’s super cute and something I haven’t seen very much of. I’m also pretty sure the plain dress version is one of my new favorites. The fit is seriously perfect. It has a nice relaxed fit that makes it not seem super dressy. You, of course, can dress it up, but I think it is the perfect casual dress! I recently got some cherry DPB fabric that I was pretty sure I had my mind set on the Boho Babydoll… but I’m pretty sure it needs to be a Taffy! 😍 However, I have way to many projects going on, too many tests, and my sewing room is a disaster (Again!). So hopefully I’ll be able to cut into my pretty cherries soon!

Good news, I didn’t have to do too many modifications do this dress, which makes everything way nicer! I did, however, lengthen where the drop waist hits (by 2 inches), mainly for modesty coverage (#mormongirlproblems). I also lengthened the plain dress by 2 inches. And that’s it! (If you couldn’t tell, knee length dresses are my JAM.) For the drop waist version I used Liverpool fabric and for the plain version, Double Brushed Poly (DBP), which is heaven. Seriously.

The Taffy Dress also has this cute little gather in the sleeves! I love it but also hate it because it takes more effort…gotta do the basting stitches…gather it…pin it…okay, maybe I just get a little lazy sometimes because that doesn’t sound that bad…

We even had some visitors from a few ducks! Probably because they saw my son’s cake… (We did a smash cake photo session as well because he’s now one! Happy birthday little man!)

There is also an option for an open back, but I tried dropping the regular neckline 2 inches, so it would hit just around my garment top. LOVE it!

This little guy pecked my leg…rude! (Photo cred to my amazing friend Annie!)
If you sew up one of these babies, be sure to link me in the comments or tag me on instagram! @tmcreates
Happy sewing!

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