Easy Garlic Chicken
Hello! It’s time to share one of my favorite chicken recipes! Garlic Chicken! I found it awhile ago over on food.com. (We also had it for dinner over the weekend.) It’s really easy (I promise) and there are only four ingredients! Prep time is about 10 minutes and cook time is about 20-30 minutes, depending on how thick the chicken is. I would suggest pairing it with some butter noodles or something similar. Yum!
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
4 garlic cloves, minced (I have a jar of pre minced garlic. It’s super convenient)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
additional herbs and spices, as desired.
Preheat oven to 450°F, line a baking dish or cookie sheet with aluminum foil and lightly coat with cooking spray or lightly brush with oil. (I wouldn’t suggest a cookie sheet. Mine always comes out fairly juicy!)
In a small sauté pan, sauté garlic with the oil until tender.
Remove from heat and stir in brown sugar. Add additional herbs and spices as desired.
Season chicken with salt and pepper. Place breasts in prepared baking dish and cover with the garlic and brown sugar mixture. (It may be helpful to prepare the chicken in the dish first, and then sauté the garlic)
Bake uncovered for 15-30 minutes, or until juices run clear. (I honestly don’t know what this means… But I normally take it out at the earliest end time, cut the thickest part of chicken to see if it’s done or not and either take it out, or put it back in the oven for a little longer.) Of course, cooking times depend on the thickness of your chicken. I personally don’t like my chicken super thick, so I always cut it in half.
Voila! That’s it. Fairly simple and painless. This time when I made it, I cut up some onion that I was going to place on the bottom of the chicken (so it could absorb the juices) but I forgot. So I placed them onto instead. Also, the next time I do this recipe, I’m going to see how it goes in a crockpot!
The first picture was just before I put it in the oven. That’s actually 4 chicken breasts that I cut in half. 🙂 If you can’t tell.. I used a LOT of garlic. Yum!

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