Crayon Art
So while I was on pinterest the other day, I was looking through my lovely girlfriends pinboards. AND stealing all of her pins. (I’m not very good at exploring the world of Pinterest.) But anyway. I came across this blog! And I decided to be a little crafty! See here!
I don’t really color too often anymore so I don’t think it would really be that bad to destroy some of my crayons Besides, this looked like fun! My hubby and I went to walmart to get some canvas and then I also grabbed this cute little wooden frame. The canvases were 11×16? So glad I grabbed the wooden frame… It’s much smaller.
Monday night after we got the supplies, I found my crayons and took the paper off every shade of green I had in my box. Only 5 colors though. I couldn’t find my little tee light candles so I just found a normal one. Bad idea. Tee lights work the best because you don’t want to dip the crayon directly into the flame or else it will blacken the crayon and you won’t get the pretty vibrant color! I was getting frustrated with the black crayon spots, so I put up my protects until I could find my other candles. Last night after my pottery class I was still feeling pretty crafty, so I whipped out my project! And my hubby found my tee light candles!
Let me teeeeeell you. This is the most tedious crafty project ever!! And it takes forever!! And another negative that I found is that once you heat up the crayon to make a dot, if you hesitate, it dries. So fast too!! And I’m a bit of a perfectionist sometimes and I like my dots to be nice and smooth. A lot of the times the crayon dries too much and my dot is messy. An ugly dot.
So after awhile I made my own solution. I got my long pointy nose lighter for candles and just held the crayon and lighter over my piece and let the crayon drip. So much faster!! However, you may not want to do this if you want to make a picture rather than random colors everywhere.
My final product! I didn’t feel like covering the entire thing with crayon (though it would have been pretty sweet) but that takes a lot of effort..and if you do what I did, you may want to consider painting a base coat before you start melting so the spots that are wood would be a matching color to the crayons. It’s up to you really. I think it looks pretty cool! And Scott wants it for his office! Funny thing though..
He’s color blind to the color green. So he doesn’t really know how awesome it looks! But oh well. I love it! (I’m not really sure how smart of an idea this would be to do with kids…so I would suggest you try it out first and then decided for yourself.)

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