Bucket List!
Everyone has a bucketlist. Am I right?! Right. 🙂 Keeping track of that list though can be difficult! Solution! Bloggin it. BOOM! The things that I complete will be italic. Maybe I’ll add a little “*” as well. Just for funzies! This will obviously be an ongoing post as well. So check back periodically and see what I have accomplished! 🙂
I’m also not really going to add things I’ve already done…unless you think that’s a good idea? Lemme know, cause I have done some pretty sweet stuff 😉
- Skydive
- Set foot on every continent
- *North America
- South America
- Asia
- Africa
- *Europe
- Australia
- Antarctica (yes, this will happen)
- Live until I’m at least 103
- Go through every LDS temple! (Currently there is over 140. Yikes!)
- 4 down. (Mesa, Bountiful, Salt Lake City, San Diego)
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Visit the Great Wall of China
- Get tickets to the Ellen show
- Put a lock on the Lock Bridge of Love in Paris
- See the Starling Murmuration
- See a total Lunar Eclips (blood moon)
- See a total Solar Eclips
- Visit every state in America
- Go white water rafting
- Go noodling!
- Catch a marlin
- Run a half marathon
- After that ^^ think about running a marathon
- Go to an active volcano
- Go on a safari in Africa
- Go to the rainforrest in South America
- Hike Machu Picchu
- Hike the Stairway to Heaven (Hawaii)
- Go see Mt Rushmore
- See the Northern Lights
- Learn how to sail
- Live in Europe
- Get married in the Temple
- Go on a cruise
- Swim in every ocean
- Go whale watching
- Go to Niagra Falls
- Hike down the Grand Canyon
- Build an igloo
- Ride a camel in it’s natural environment
- Stand on the equator
- Create new life with my hubby
- Make my own melted crayon art
- Join the polarbear club
- Build a tree house
- Adopt a baby
- Grow my hair out really really long
- Complete a scrapbook
- Go to Ireland
- Make a driftwood bonfire
- Celebrate Holi in India
- Make grape juice by grape stomping
- Spend a day blind
- Float in the Dead Sea
- Visit all the natural wonders of the world
- Visit all the man-made wonders of the world
- Visit every Disney theme park
- Make a legit sand castle
- Live happily ever after with my wonderful hubby! 😀
- Road trip up the west coast and hang out in Victoria, Canada!
- Road trip across the states!
- Make a quilt!
- Make a t-shirt quilt
- Reupholster something
- Witness 3 generations of my posterity!
- See the pyramids
- Go see the biggest flower in the world! (South America?)
Remember…I will be adding stuff to the list as I think of more!

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Sue Pullen
When did you skydive, Trissa? I don't remember that. I think I should make a bucket list. You go, girl!!!
Trissa Bouwhuis
I went skydiving the week after I turned 18 during spring break! 😀
How do you not remember that Mom?? She even had a video! Do you still have it Trissa?
This is a fun list. You have a lot to do! 🙂 I don't even know what some of those things are! There are some I would have on my bucket list too — like, going through all the temples! I'd settle for all of them in the US, to start. Maybe we ought to make a family road trip happen! And I want to make a quilt! Let's do it together! 🙂
Trissa Bouwhuis
I was actually wondering the other day about that video ha. It's probably at the parents house… Dad probably knows where it is maybe?
Ohhhh! and that is a great idea.. some of the temples that are in other countries may be a bit difficult. BUT I can still attempt nonetheless! And road trip, YES, quilting, YES! We have to get on it crafting sister buddy!! 🙂