I believe makeup should be fun, quick and easy! It should also be the least stressful part of your day, leaving you time and energy for all the other pieces of your day!
SEINT Beauty does just that! I’ve discovered this makeup over a year ago and I honestly can’t imagine my makeup routine any different. I love that I can accomplish a quick, 5-min makeup routine and a full face for special occasions, all using the same compact!
I absolutely love the feeling I get after I finish doing a women’s makeup and see her initial reaction when she looks in the mirror for the first time. There is no better feeling! When she lights up at the reflection staring back at her and I immediately see a boost in her confidence. It is the best feeling in the world!
Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in. That helping others look beautiful is nice, but helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing.
I am an on-the-go mama of 2 wild children and I love nothing more than to be able put myself together in the least amount of time. I have been a SEINT Artist since March 2021 and have helps many women with their makeup…whether you are looking to level up your makeup routine… or simplify it to make your daily routine faster… near or far, I would love to hep you! Fill out my Custom Color Match form for a FREE Color Match!