Baby Feet (foot peel)
The peeling is real! We (my husband and me. Yes, I made him do it too!) recently did a foot mask. Let me tell you…it’s crazy! I mean, I knew my foot was going to peel…but I didn’t really anticipate them to peel this much. Even the tops of my feet were peeling! Anyway…let’s get to it!
My mom did a foot mask first and absolutely loved it. Her feet were really pretty dang soft. (She usually has tons of calluses/dry skin. We wear sandals all the time here in Phoenix, or no shoes at all). We tried to find the same brand she used, but couldn’t find it. Instead, we settled on Baby Foot – Exfoliating Foot Peel that we found at Target. It’s a bit on the pricey side at $25 a pop, but my mama was buying, so it didn’t really matter, ha! We got one for all three of us to try, though my mama is going to do hers later since she just recently did a foot mask. Scott desperately needed it. His feet are so bad from wearing sandals all the time! (I’m still trying to take him to get a pedicure with me, but it hasn’t happened quite yet. Don’t worry, it will happen!) He’s a big Sperry wearer, but I talked him into a pair of Birkenstocks when he needed to replace his Sperry’s.
When looking for a foot mask, you need to make sure you find one that is peeling/exfoliating. There are a handful different foot masks out there, but most of them are just moisturizing ones and aren’t peeling. Save the moisturizing mask for after you do the foot peel! At Target, there were masks in different sections of the Health & Beauty department, so you might have to look around for a bit, and most likely on a lower shelf.

We also just ordered this Exfoliating Foot Peel Mask from Amazon, which we are going to do in the next week or so. (Scott needs another one! His heels are pretty bad.) My mama said she found the one she used the first time around at CVS, so that’s another place to look if you don’t want to order online. We checked out local Walmart and a Walgreens, but didn’t find a peeling version there. Loads of face masks though!
The Baby Foot package comes with 2 plastic booties, with some concoction inside, and some little stickers to “tape” the booties to be more snug around your feet. We put a sock on over the booties when we did it. Probably not necessary but it made me feel better. You can walk around with them on but it feels WEIRD. Grab a good show because you will keep them on for an hour.
After the hour, you are supposed to wash off your feet, but I just took my feet out of the booties and put my socks back on. It was late, I was tired. Scott rinsed his after. (I did mine on Friday and Scott did his on Saturday) When my mom did hers, she didn’t rinse it off either. The directions say your feet can start peeling anywhere from 3-7 days and the peeling will last for about 7-10 days. (More or less. I was on the shorter side and Scott was on the longer side) I can’t remember exactly when mine started to peel, but it was somewhere around day 5 or 6. (At least that was when I sent my mama a picture of my peeling feet!)

So.much.dead skin. It’s so gross! And it’s so hard not to pick the skin off! I’ had to keep socks on so I wouldn’t touch my feet. And I had to wear socks to bed. I didn’t want a bunch of nasty dead skin at the foot of my bed *gag*. I anticipated the bottom of my feet peeling but not necessarily the tops. My feet aren’t anywhere near as bad as Scott’s. It’s crazy! Soaking your feet is supposed to help the process. I’ve been putting my feet in the bathtub during the kid’s bath before bed, rubbing any loose dead skin off. That’s been nice! Though, Max splashes soooooooooo much.
As the skin is peeling, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just kind of annoying. Kind of like skin peeling after a sunburn. If you want to speed up the process, definitely soak your feet in warm water and rub off any excess skin. DON’T use a pumice stone or anything to force off the flaking skin. Just rub any of the loose skin off with your hands. My feet definitely didn’t peel nearly as much as Scott’s but I soaked my feet a few times and Scott didn’t. His took a LOT longer to finish peeling.
I definitely recommend doing a foot peel! It’s a lot of fun. Again, pretty much any peel should work as long as it’s a peeling one!

Happy peeling!

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