New Horizon Designs – Tami Revolution Hoodie
It’s about time I finally made the Tami Revolution Hoodie from New Horizon Designs! I’ve had this fabric from The Fabric Snob in my stash for what feels like forever. (The Rose Mist color is so pretty!) But it’s only been…6 or 7 months. I ordered it last December, specifically to make a Tami. I almost changed my mind a few times for something else but I’m so glad I didn’t! I love this hoodie and I’m so ready for cooler weather to hit. (It’s still over 100 degrees most days. Yuck!) And now that I have my projector set up, cutting this out was a breeze. This fabric is also super easy to work with and is a great fabric choice for those new to sewing with knits.
Funny story, after I installed the hood I had to try it on, yet again. Though, I just about had a panic attack! When I put on the hoodie, the hood was in my face! Did I just install the hood backwards!? Luckily, I didn’t. I just put it on wrong. Whew!
Anywho. For this pattern I decided to mostly sew a size up since I was using interlock. It’s a bit more on the stable side but it doesn’t lack in stretch. The Fabric Snob by far has the best interlock that I’ve used to date! I also compared the pattern pieces to the Constance from Sew A Little Seam to do a quick fit comparison without having to sew up a muslin. (Ain’t nobody got time for that.) The general fit is pretty similar but the sleeve fit is a little different (wider under the pits and narrower at the forearm). My measurements put me in a straight 4, so I decided to sew up a size 6 but graded down to a 4 in the hips. (I don’t like the bottom band to be too loose.) I also did a single crossover hood and I didn’t line it. It would have ended up way too thick. This fabric is interlock or double knit, meaning there is no right or wrong side, so it looks the same on both!

A few things about the pattern. The final outcome is great, but just be prepared to do a little back and forth when going through the instructions. (I don’t think it’s ideally laid out, but whatever.) Also, if you plan on understitching your pocket, make sure you do that before you sew up your side seams. The instructions have you do it after, which is really silly IMO. Doing it before makes it look a lot cleaner. I also skipped the topstitching for the side seam pocket because, frankly I think it’s not necessary and I don’t really see how it will make much of a difference. The instructions for that part also seem a bit confusing for a beginner with the included illustrations. I guess folks don’t like that the pocket pokes out a bit, but I feel like that’s just what you’re going to get with side seam pockets. Using thinner fabric for the pocket bag will probably help a bit though.
After I sewed this, I was pretty sure I sewed the hood with the crossover going the wrong way, but after looking at the listing pictures again, I think I actually did it right. However, the next one I do I’ll probably have the hood crossover the other way instead.
I am so ready for hoodie/sweater weather. How about you? (And yes, I was MELTING while we quickly took some photos of this hoodie. It’s still well in the 100’s here. It feels like it’s never going to cool off!) Next up on my never ending list of things to sew are long sleeves! And solid tees, still…what about you?

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