Max Turns One!
I cannot believe that my baby is already one year old! Where has the time gone?! I feel like I was JUST pregnant! He is growing so much, so curious, so happy. Seriously, the best baby ever! (Until the next one!)
Maxwell was born on the longest day of the year, June 21st. Lucky for me, it was not the longest labor and delivery, which would have sucked. And now, one year later, Max is crawling everywhere, chasing after the dog and the cat, trying to eat dog food, swimming, eating people food, but will drop food on the floor when he’s done, has 8 teeth, sleeps like a champ, the happiest little baby ever!
We decided to do a little smash cake photoshoot, along with a regular one year old shoot, for the little man’s birthday. I love having cute pictures, and what is better than one of your best friends being a photographer?! (Am I right?) Our smash cake was made by Julie over at Bijoux Cakery. You can also check out more adorable cakes over at her instagram here. Aren’t they adorable?! So yeah, she just had to make Max’s smash cake. It was pretty funny though. It took Max a little while before he figured out the cake was food and that he could eat it. I had to shove a little frosting in his mouth before it clicked…silly babies! When I asked Julie if she could make the smash cake for Max, I had no idea what I wanted…other than a cake? So I just told her we wanted a “whaley” cake and let her run with it. I think it turned out pretty perfect, don’t you?!
Max loves loves loves his cars and trucks. Basically anything with wheels and will just roll them around all over the house! He also loves books! He will go in his room and take books of his bookshelf and flip through the pages. It’s pretty stinking cute.
In addition to this little photo session, we had a little birthday party for Max! We all had a whale of a time! We are so grateful and feel so blessed for all of our wonderful friends and family who “sail”-ebrated with us!
Anyway, we love Max so much and are so grateful to have him in our life and apart of our little family! I hope you enjoy these photos just as much as we do!

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