Attempting to Paint
I love the arts! Mostly creating it. Over the last year I have gotten into painting and I’ve been painting for a little over a year now. I still have a lotttt to learn. Things have been super crazy though, after getting married and the holidays, but this past weekend I was finally able to make it back to Sundust Gallery! They moved locations from Mesa to Gilbert which is great for them! But they are further away from me…so it’s hard to make it in especially since they close at 6. Anyway, I love places like this! They have a gallery and an open studio where you can come in and paint whenever the gallery is open. You purchas a canvas from them and then they provide the paint and other supplies. All you have to do it show up! And on top of that, the staff is great! I just wish I lived closer!
Here is the painting I’m currently working on (I think it’s on a 11×14) and the progression pictures I’ve taken in between sessions…And if you check back a little later, I’ll have the finished product!
Once I finish it that is…

You can also check out this sweet morph video of all the progression photos that my dad put together!! Super awesome! Click me!!

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One Comment
Sue Pullen
Oh my goodness, Trissa, you are REALLY good. This is a beautiful painting!